How to Show Up on the First Page of Google

How to Show Up on the First Page of Google

Three-quatre of people will never scroll past the first page on an online search, which is why you need to rank on page 1 of Google. For example, what do you do when looking for a pizza in a new city? You take your smartphone and search on Google in line of “pizza New York.”
The first page appears with a business selling pizza, with the information you need, including location, contacts, and past customers reviews. Do you choose business number one, two, or three? People mostly choose the first three results.

Most people do not bother checking other pages on their Google search results. So, you should ensure your business appears on the first page for the keyword you would like to dominate. But how do you appear on the first page when companies with bigger budgets compete for the same spot?

You can appear on the first page by putting in the work to build content over time and knowing the ins and outs of Google search results, keywords, and search engine optimization.

If you are looking for tips that will help you appear on the first page of Google, then continue reading:

1. Optimizing Your Content

Content optimization goes beyond adding keywords and hoping the content ranks high on the search engine. If you want your content to be more effective, you need a strategy that will make it more trustworthy and authoritative.

Here are steps to follow to ensure your content is well optimized:

a. Keyword Research

The first thing to check is your site’s domain authority (DA) and the keyword difficulty of the term you want to use in your blog post. Domain authority runs from 0 to 100, new sites without visitors have 0 DA, and highest-ranking websites have 100 DA. There are different tools, such as ubersuggest, that can help you know your site domain authority. The best keyword should be relevant to your niche, have high monthly visitors, have a difficulty that matches your website DA, and have a cost per click that is more than $1. You should target search terms with less than 30 keyword difficulty when you have a new website.

b. Search Engine Friendly URL

Ensure your URL is short and to the point, as it is one of the factors Google considers when ranking your site. High quality also increases the click-through rate.

c. Optimize Title Tag

Title Tag is displayed as part of the search snippet in a search engine results page (SERP), and it is crucial for user experience, SEO, and social sharing. Use your keyword in the title tag and ensure your page content delivers what readers are looking for.

d. High-Quality Headline

The Internet has a lot of information, which needs Google visitors’ attention, so you need to hook your reader with a clever headline. Use the tips below to develop a headline that will entice people to click and view your content.

1. Use A Number in Your Headline : Using numbers on the headline has shown to increase the click-through rate. Numbers tell people how long the content is and inform them it is skimmable.

2. Keep It Between 8 And 12 Words : A short headline is easy to digest and read quickly, enabling you to grab your reader’s attention.

3. Evoke emotion : Curiosity and anticipation offer readers a little taste of what is to come.

2. Match Intent

What is the reader looking for while reading your content? There are two reasons why audiences consume content online.

Information Intent – People visit your website to read and gain knowledge.

Transaction Intent – People visit your website to complete a transaction.

Satisfying search intent is the primary goal for Google, so create content that match what the user wants to see. For example, if your keyword is SEO Windsor then your content should help someone who looking for SEO services in Windsor.

3. Establish Authority

To rank on the first page, you want visitors to keep coming back to read more and share your content with their friends. You need a strong reputation and authority to emerge as a reader in your niche.

Here is how you build authority and stand out from the crowd:

a. Quality Content

You need more than quality, but having great content will make the process easier. Many factors go into creating high-quality content, from grammar and easy-to-understand to scannable content.

b. Personal Connection

Build a strong relationship with your readers since this will make you memorable and keep them coming back when they need information in the field you have authority.

c. Get More Eyeballs on Your Content

Having the best content is not the end; if no one sees it, it will just gather dust, get buried and forgotten. Divide the time you have to work on your content between writing and pushing it towards your ideal audience. The easiest way to get exposure is by networking with other bloggers in your niche. Add them to your email list and engage with them, as this will help you grow your network to help you give your content more exposure.

4. Produce Call to Action

Your content needs to serve a greater purpose than just informing, it should also tell the audience what to do next after reading through.

Convert your audience with a call to action; you can ask them to sign to your mail list, read more content on your site or even buy your services.

5. Optimize Your Visuals

67% of online shoppers say high-quality visuals influence their buying decision, while images and videos increase content views by 95%.

It is not a must you hire a professional to create visuals for your content; you can take a photo with your smartphone or use free stock images.


To show on the first page of Google does not depend on one single factor but a combination of factors.

Don’t stress yourself to death trying to learn one way to rank high; just put your audience first, and everything will fall into place.

Websterz Technologies is an industry-leading company and your trusted partner in comprehensive digital marketing and website design and development solutions. Specializing in SEO, SMM, PPC, and more, we help businesses of all sizes achieve their marketing goals and generate maximum revenue! Reach out today to see how we can elevate your digital presence.

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